Our Why
Welcome to J. E. Drinkwalters Homestead Recipes! Your go to Organic/ Wildcraft Handcrafted Spice and Tea makers who make meal time fast and fun!
First of all we would like to thank all of our wonderful customers and now friends who have supported our business since May 2022 at all our events and markets! Your response to us has been so thrilling! Let's just say you brought me back to life after I lost my Dad during the pandemic! You also supported us by encouragement, prayer and support either knowingly or unknowingly during Perry's pre and post op heart surgery and for that we are so grateful! Thank you so so much!
I would also like to take a moment and thank my dear husband Perry who has been my soulmate and coach. HE is the one who loved my food and encouraged me to go for it! I love you Perry. Without you none of this would be here hun!
To Josh he is my dear son, most weekends he tries to be home to take care of Jacky and Princess. Thank you so much Jish! Every task helps and is important!
This business is dedicated to my Dad, George Drinkwalter. Dad brought many memories around our kitchen table. Celebrating different cultures from Kensington Market, Stouffville Flea Barns, 400 Flea Market. Dad had a meat business, we ate like Kings! Dad would take me Sundays to see Bob VInce at his old food stand in Sharon. The gorgeous oversized produce piled in pyramids! Only Santa gave oranges that big! One day Dad and I even saw John Candy running in and running out as we both froze like a deer in headlights!
As a family we enjoyed Pancer's Deli on Bathurst; eating a corn beef on rye, Wolfies matza ball soup, Johnny's Burgers down in Victoria Park. Bamboo Gardens Chinese food, then dad driving a motor home with friends for my birthday down to Wheelies roller rink! My moms friend Mimi's authentic Italian 5 inch high lasagna: where she shared her wonderful secrets with me. My mom made de suc a creme which is a maple homemade fudge, every November growing up mom would prepare a few dozen tortieres for Christmas presents to friends and for us to eat during the busy holiday season! Curry Chicken and rice made by my dad, the family gathered around the kitchen table. The last birthday party I had for Dave, Dad made a Mexican spicy lasagna, I invited his friends and it was called Hockey Night in Hawaii as it was a beautiful day in May. Let us bring new memories to your tables!
We are a local, Canadian small business here at J. E. Drinkwalters Homestead Recipes. All of our products are hand made and hand packed. I design the labels, research and create all Spice and Tea formulas except for our Organic Jamaican Jerk Seasonings which we like as is!
I started my teas for woman dealing with menopause and then the line grew rapidly by our customers requests! That is one thing I can honestly say to all new business owners and that is always always listen to your customers needs and wants!
If there is something you want custom made for your specific health concerns I will do my research and then consult with our herbalists when needed... Raspberry Leaf Tea users you know who you are!
We care about how our business impacts our community. We have fallen in love with our local Georgina Farmers Market run by Natalia Zimmiti and have connected with other local makers and shakers!
We carry Organic & Wildcrafted homemade recipes of our Spices and Tea Blends. Our commissary kitchen facility is certified by the Health and Safety Unit here in Ontario, Canada. All products are packed while wearing an N95 Mask and Food Grade gloves as well as hair nets. Only positive energy is lovingly poured into our products. We pride ourselves on supplying delicious ethically sourced of the freshest ingredients. Our batches are smaller and sell fast and then we make more so our products never sit for long!
Our cocoa beans are sourced locally by a company who's family who lives back growing their vanilla beans, and Guava plants Organically in Mexico. They import their premium Cacao and source from farms directly. If I have an ingredient that I cannot find here, he will look into sourcing it for me. He is going to Thailand soon so I put a request in for birds eye chili dried for my next creation. So not only are we supporting the family in Mexico but their relatives who own a business here. It’s a win win for all of us! Since we started using their cocoa in our tea and chai our tea products are running off the shelf! We are so thankful we found them! By the way, Perry roasts the Premium Cacao Beans and hand shucks them! Ya! My husband is a rock star!
Thanks so much for visiting our page and we look forward to adding flavor and health solutions to your home!
Jody Drinkwalter
Owner & Product Developer
J. E. Drinkwalters Homestead Recipes